Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Scripts Dialog

The Scripts functionality is only available with the “Bentley Map” and “Bentley Map Enterprise” editions of this product.

Used to automate often-performed or data-intensive processes, modify, analyze, and report Bentley Map GIS data. The Scripts dialog allows processing GIS data according to rules defined in a script. In contrast to traditional programming languages, this script language is highly integrated with the data model used by Bentley Map.


Allows selecting the script to execute. The sorting of the script files normally is based on its description (not the file name), but also can be sorted based on the file date.


Displays the script filename. The first line in a script is a comment starting with an asterisk (*) followed by a descriptive name of the script.

Data In

Defines whether a script will operate on all data in the design file, in a view, in a fence, or a selection set.

Display only

If on, the Scripts utility does not alter the design file or the database. If the symbology is modified, elements are deleted or new elements are created, the changes will be visible in the view, but only until the view is refreshed by using any of the MicroStation view commands (update, zoom in/out, fit or pan).


Creates a new script file based on a template element selected by the user. The script has an appropriate SETUP filter that matches elements of the selected type. It also has a sample validate part that changes the symbology of the element or creates a pattern, if the selected element is a closed shape.


Deletes the selected script file. Before the file is deleted, make sure the file is not accidentally deleted.


Opens the text editor associated with the script files in the Settings dialog.


Allows selecting a script.


After entering a data point, starts the execution of the selected script.